In this module, we will cover the topic of Wisdom Through the Three Yanas. We are using the book “The Myth of Freedom” by Chogyam Trungpa (Shambhala Publications, 1976). If you would like to study this topic with us, we encourage you to get a copy of the book.
These optional books provide more information on the mandala principle and the five buddha families:
- “Wisdom Rising: Journey into the Mandala of the Empowered Feminine“, by Lama Tsultrim Allione (just released)
- “Orderly Chaos”, by Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche.
- “Secret of the Vajra World”, by Reginald Ray.
- “Penetrating Wisdom”, by Dzogchen Ponlop Rinpoche.
Class 13: Summary, Jun 21, 2018.
Audio of talk, Joseph Crane.
Class 12: Ratna family, Jun 14, 2018.
Audio of talk, Erika Wilton.
Class 11: Buddha family, Jun 7, 2018.
Audio of talk, Michael Fagan.
Class 10: Karma family, May 31, 2018.
Audio of talk, Joseph Crane.
Class 9: Vajra family, May 24, 2018.
Audio of talk, Michael Levin.
Also take a look at the chart summarizing the Qualities of the Five Buddha Families.
Class 8: Padma family, May 17, 2018.
Audio of talk, Emily Weidman.
Class 7: Emotions, Wisdoms and Transmutation, May 10, 2018.
Please read the chapter “Tantra” in Cutting Through Spiritual Materialism.
Also take a look at the chart summarizing the Five Buddha Families.
Handout and audio of talk, Emily Weidman.
Class 6: Nothing and Everything, May 3, 2018.
Please read the chapters “Aloneness” and “Mandala” in The Myth of Freedom.
Audio of talk, Joseph Crane.
Class 5: Guided Meditation, Apr 26, 2018.
Part 1 audio and part 2 audio of talk, Emily Weidman.
Class 4: Dropping Self, If Even Just for a Moment, Apr 19, 2018.
Please read the chapter “The Open Way” in Cutting Through Spiritual Materialism.
Audio of talk, Michael Fagan.
Class 3: Love and the Path, Apr 12, 2018.
Please read two chapters from The Myth of Freedom: “Love” and “The Eight-Fold Path”.
Audio of talk, Michael Levin.
Class 2: Positive and Negative Negativity, Apr 5, 2018.
Please read the chapter “Working with Negativity” in The Myth of Freedom.
Audio of talk, Erika Wilton.
Class 1: The Dualistic Barrier, Mar 29, 2018.
Please read two chapters from The Myth of Freedom: “The Dualistic Barrier” and “The Lion’s Roar”.
Audio of talk, Joseph Crane.